Chaperone Policy


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Our protocol regarding chaperones in medical examinations or procedures is designed to protect both you and our staff from abuse, or allegations of abuse, and to assist you in making informed choices about your treatment. It is your right to have a chaperone present, should you so wish. It is also the right of our staff to have a chaperone present during examinations or consultations, and if so you will be informed of this beforehand.


Who can act as a chaperone?

Our chaperones have been specifically trained in aspects of safety and safeguarding appropriate for this task. Most of our chaperones are members of our Medical Reception team, and sometimes your chaperone may be a member of our clinical staff. If you would prefer a clinical chaperone to be in your consultation, you will need to tell us when you book the appointment so that we can make sure someone appropriate is available. Our chaperones are all Didcot Health Centre staff, and DBS checked at the appropriate level.

Whilst you may be happy for a relative or friend to be in the room, they are not impartial observers and may not be aware of the responsibilities of a chaperone.


Role of a chaperone

A chaperone is present as a safeguard for both parties (patient and staff) and is a witness to the conduct of the examination and to the continuing consent of the patient throughout. The precise role of the chaperone varies depending on the circumstances. It may include providing a degree of emotional support and reassurance to patients, but more commonly incorporates:

  • acting as an impartial observer during an intimate examination of a patient
  • safeguarding the patient, the practitioner and the organisation from misinterpretation of actions
  • assisting in the examination or procedure, for example by handing instruments
  • assisting with the undressing, dressing, and positioning of patients.

Further Information

If you would like to know more about how we use chaperones, please contact us.

If you would like us to provide a chaperone for your examination or procedure, please tell us when you are booking your appointment.